Wednesday, 9 October 2013

NEW App - Toilet training for children with special needs

Many of the preschools supported by CareWest SCAN will have received a copy of Toilet Training for Individuals with Autism or other Developmental Issues by Maria Wheeler, M.ED.  Throughout the book, reference is made to picture cues and how important accuracy is due to the often literal take on visuals.  
A new app, created by Victoria Continence Resource Centre and detailed below, is very well though-out.  It covers the differences between girls and boys, and short sequences regarding 5 key aspects of toileting.  The app supports their own handbook One Step at a Time, available to download, along with a host of other resources to support toilet training.  Please read on below.  Your comments will be most appreciated should you use the app or review any of the books. 
iTunes: Toilet Training for children with special needs _

Google Play: One Step at a time Toilet Tips _

The App is particularly for parents whose child has special needs. It was developed by health professionals who work in early intervention programs and specialist continence support programs for children with special needs.
Toilet training is something many parents find difficult. It takes time for a child to learn everything about using the toilet. The App gives you tips and pictures to help you.
The App contains a boy and a girl version. Each version has three sections:
Full Sequence the complete set of pictures for toileting.  Each picture has a brief instruction you can use to help teach your child to know what to do.
Short Sequence gives 5 key aspects of toilet training that parents often overlook or find difficult
·         About the toilet
·         Pants down pants up
·         Sitting on the toilet
·         Hand washing
·         Bottom wiping
Each picture has a brief instruction you can use to help teach your child to know what to do.
Custom Sequence allows you to make a picture sequence and record your own instructions.
As mentioned, the app is based on the booklet One Step at a Time: A parent’s guide to toileting skills for children with special needs. The booklet is available from


1 comment:

  1. Howlong Preschool16 October 2013 at 20:41

    Thankyou so much for alerting me to this resource Sara. We have been able to forward some of these resources onto a family that have required support with toilet training! Love having the visual sequences these are FANTASTIC!
