Sunday, 8 September 2013

Orange, NSW - Communication Essentials for Disability Support Workers

“COMMUNICATION ESSENTIALS” for Disability Support Workers
The Care Governance Unit at CareWest will present 4 workshops between September and December 2013 on the theme of communication.
Join colleagues from across the region in hands-on training to learn new skills and polish up on old ones. This training is for any staff who work in teams and support clients with disabilities, particularly those clients who have difficulty communicating their needs in conventional ways.
Our highly experienced practitioner* will engage you in a variety of interactive activities throughout the day so that you will not just take away new strategies and tools for improving your communication with you colleagues and your clients, but you will also have fun!


1.     Communication in the Work Environment + Engaging with Clients Part 1.

Tuesday 24 September 10 am-4 pm. Orange Ex-Services Club, 241 Anson Street, Orange.

·         You will learn about the pressures which may impact on the family of a person with a disability and how to build positive relationships with family members.

·         You will also learn about how best use organisational avenues to improve your communication with colleagues in the workplace.

·         And how to proactively employ the three key skills– attending, active listening and descriptive praise- to engage positively with clients and to achieve client goals

2.     Engaging with Clients Part 2 + Enhancing Communication with non verbal clients.

Tuesday 22 October 10 am-4 pm. CareWest Skills Development & Training Centre 264 Peisley St Orange

·         This session will reinforce and extend the key communication skills for interacting with clients which you learned in the previous session. You will also learn how to enhance your communication with people in your service who are non verbal.

3.     Team Dynamics, Conflict and Communication

Tuesday 19 November 10 am-4 pm. CareWest Skills Development & Training Centre 264 Peisley St Orange

·         You will learn about the stages through which teams evolve and how good communication skills can positively influence the development of a team. You will have the chance to practise these skills in the workshop before applying them in your workplace

4.     Successfully Engage in Difficult Interactions

Tuesday 17 December 10 am-4 pm. CareWest Skills Development & Training Centre 264 Peisley St Orange

·         You will gain a basic understanding of the psychological and neurological basis of behaviour and the importance of fostering positive relationships with clients. You will develop your skills in managing communication when a client is exhibiting escalating behaviours, and learn of the importance of a team approach with debriefing and awareness of the signs of burnout.


Cost per session is $184.50 per participant. Lunch, morning and afternoon tea will be provided. A discount of 15% will be offered if there are more than 5 participants from one service for a session. Alternatively a discount of 15% will be offered if a participant attends all 4 sessions.

Payment is requested in advance of the training session upon receipt of an invoice from CareWest.

Heather Dunn holds a Bachelor Degree in Psychology and Masters in Communication and Cultural Studies. She has worked extensively in the Community Services and Disabilities sectors, training, coaching and mentoring staff in understandings and application of tools and techniques to improve their communication and positive support for clients.

Heather is well known in the Western Region as a Behaviour Support Practitioner, trainer and mentor on the People for People Project, and for her role in facilitating workshops and conferences for the Australasian Society for Intellectual Disability.

If you would like to participate in the workshops, please copy and paste the below application form into a words document, fill in the application form and mail to:

Att: Heather Dunn, CareWest  level 1, 235 Lords Place, Orange, NSW 2800. Alternatively you may scan and email your application to :

Please ensure that applications are received at least one week in advance of the workshop

CONTACT NAME:.......................................... ORGANISATION:..............................................................

POSTAL ADDRESS: ...........................................................................................................................

EMAIL ADDRESS: ............................................................................................................................







I/we wish to attend the following session(s): please tick (   )

1.     Communication in the Work Environment + Engaging with Clients Part 1....................... 0

2.     Engaging with Clients Part 2 + Enhancing Communication with non verbal clients......... 0

3.     Team Dynamics, Conflict and Communication.................................................................. 0

4.     Successfully Engage in Difficult Interactions.................................................................... 0

Please list any special dietary requirements...................................................................................


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