Thursday, 5 December 2013

The Red Beast

Resources can be hit or miss.  What one person thinks is valuable, another may read or interpret in a different way.  Recently, we put our heads together and provided preschools in Orana Far West, Central West and the Riverina Murray regions with a few resources that we thought would be really useful and a great support to educators, families and children.  One of these was The Red Beast by K.I.Ghani. 
Although it is set in a primary school environment, the methods and social story therein regarding how anger can manifest itself - specifically in the case of a child with Asperger's - are ageless.  We have been thrilled with the response from so many preschools that this has been read, requested and reflected upon by the children - particularly those heading to school next year.  I recommend reading the Author's note at the beginning of the book and the suggested strategies at the end of the book, prior to reading it to the class.  In addition, these notes and activities from Sue Larkey - The Red Beast - support notes - will provide you with useful methodology for getting the most out of this terrific (I think!) resource!

What is and why would I webinar?

Webinars are a wonderful method of keeping informed and current without leaving your service or setting.  Particularly of interest to those in regional and more remote areas, webinars - web-based seminars - can also be repeated, reviewed and even requested.  If there is a topic that has not been covered, ECTARC*, for example, are more than happy to hear from you.  As are Resourcing Families and many other organisations that support Early Childhood Professional Development, families, and children in general. 

Sunday, 1 December 2013

SCAN - still supporting in 2014

Supporting Children with Additional Needs (SCAN)
The aim of the SCAN Program is to enable preschools to better include children with additional needs within the educational and physical provisions of the preschool.  In 2014, the program will continue to operate through the same eight SCAN organisations as previously. Department of Education and Communities
Many of you will have been like us – wondering what the conclusion would be regarding the SCAN Program.  Well, we have terrific news.  SCAN is to continue!  We are aiming to have some further details regarding the program soon, but in the meantime, the article from Community Childcare Co-operative really says it all (see below). Please do take time to click on the links as well.  We will be processing the applications now as per the slightly revised programming requirements.  An email has been issued to all Riverina Murray, Orana Far West and Central West NSW Preschools with these details.  We look forward to continuing to develop the supports and hope to go from strength to strength on the path to quality early childhood inclusive programs.
Kind regards,
All at SCAN, CareWest 

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Ten Fantastic Pressie ideas!

All I want for Christmas....well, what would be fun and educational at the same time?  Karla Morison, Speech Pathologist from My Word Speech Therapy, Albury, has listed ten exciting suggestions that are also easy to locate.  If you haven't got the funds to purchase some new versions, remember St Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army, The Red Cross and local buy and swap groups often have just what you're after.  Click on the present on the My Word Speech Therapy website or go directly to Top Ten Christmas Present suggestions.  These are not just for Christmas :)

Monday, 25 November 2013

Social and Emotional Development in the Early Years of Childhood

Resilience in Childhood is a very interesting read from the Grow & Thrive program developed The Centre of Community Child Health. In this article on resilience, highlights are made to the importance of developing relationships and the value of this in relation to why and how we as early childhood professionals and / or parents can contribute to fostering resilience in our young children.  As also discussed and identified in the Care for Kids article Developing resilience in early years (and linked directly to the EYLF and the core elements of Being, Belonging and Becoming), resilience in early childhood is all about fostering for children:
  • sense of self – knowing who they are
  • self-esteem – feeling good about who they are
  • optimism – feeling hopeful that they can make it through challenges
  • problem solving skills – being able to persevere through mistakes and difficulties to find a solution
  • decision-making skills – having the confidence to choose a path to a solution
  • realistic sense of personal control – feeling that they can make a meaningful impact in their world. 

Communicating - knowing what, when and how to share information with families

The Anne Stonehouse article in the latest NQS PLP eNewsletter (No. 68), Communicating with families about children's learning, is the kind of article you print and include in your staff handbook - specifically with relation to the EYLF and NQS areas of collaborative communication.  It is also very useful for general relationship development. The exemplars in the article are relevant and you can picture the application of each.  There are starting points within that I feel you'll discover and use at some point in time - whether it's with the discussion about school readiness or general conversations with families. What I also find appealing in this article is the 'permission' almost, to not have to report everything to families.  Empathy will determine some instances where 'less is more'.  Knowing individual families and being considerate in what and how we say things, will make all the difference for the developing collaboration and bond between educator and family.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Scolarships to fund your EC degree!

The Department of Education and Communities has just released a SECOND round of Early Childhood Teaching Scholarships.  As highlighted in the latest ACECQA Newsletter, Early Childhood Teaching Scholarships are on offer to early childhood educators around NSW to upgrade their qualifications and become qualified early childhood teachers.  For many of you in the CareWest SCAN support regions,  eligibility is even higher as the focus is especially on educators working in rural and remote communities where qualified early childhood educators are in short supply.  The scholarships are part of the recently announced strategy Rural and Remote Education: A blueprint for action.  Educators who go for the scholarship must not already have started their early childhood teaching degree.  With the scholarships worth between $7500 and $10,000, it is certainly worth applying.  For more information, please click here.

REImagining Inclusion

What makes us think we need to RE Imagine Inclusion?  Do you feel there are gaps within your early intervention support network that are hard to fill?  Is the opportunity to rethink your practice something you'd love to do - but where to start?  Is mentoring and onthefloor coaching a possibility for you?  How do you feel you 'rate' as an inclusive practice?  The Reimagining Inclusion Conference  was recently held in Melbourne and provided opportunity to hear from national and international early childhood inclusion researchers, lecturers, educators and policy advocates.  Debating and questioning is a large part of any change.  There are elements within the presentations that make us feel affirmed about the path we are travelling, and others that inspire. 
The key messages that I took away and will continue to reflect upon are:

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Global Developmental Delay

What is Global Development Delay (GDD)? I have a child in my preschool with the diagnosis and I am unclear as to what it means?  I have a child presenting a significant delay in receptive and expressive language, as well as bumping into things.  Could this be GDD?
Global Development Delay is defined as a significant delay in two or more developmental areas.  The delays may be identified between 0-18 years - many times including difficulties in communication.
While we know that Global Developmental Delay or GDD can be caused due to such conditions as Cerebral Palsy, Rett Syndrome and other neuromuscular disorders, Fragile X - the inherited genetic disorder often associated with Autism, and/or being born prematurely, or other environmental deprivations, the cause can be difficult to identify.  What we do know is that early diagnosis improves outcomes. 

SCAN (Supporting Children with Additional Needs) - Applications now due

Preschools, vacation care and occasional care within the Orana Far West, Central West and Riverina Murray regions of New South Wales - don't forget to submit your applications and continuation of funding applications for SCAN 2014, THIS WEEK!  I know it's hard to believe that we are already in Week 6 - it's daunting really!  But as it is, we do require you to submit your paperwork as best you can by the end of this week.  If you have any issues, or if you are unsure about eligibility, please don't hesitate to contact your SCAN Project Officer.  All documentation is located on this blogsite under Relevant Documents.  All contact details are on the Welcome page.  Looking forward to hearing from you this week!
November 2013


Week 6
Submit applications for SCAN


Sunday, 3 November 2013

Marie Jacobson from Leeton helps blow out the birthday candles!

There is the great saying - "You've got to be in it to win it".  Another is "If you don't think you're worth it, why should others?".  Marie Jacobson, Director of Leeton Preschool, hesitated before applying, though thankfully went by the first saying and won by the second!  I've been privileged enough to read her application.  It's humble - and Marie is most certainly a worthy scholarship awardee!  
Community Child Care Co-op celebrated their 35th birthday by hosting a day long 'smart party' with amazing speakers and a cocktail party to boot.  Marie was successful in her application to HESTA and won a scholarship to attend!  Very kindly, Marie shares her experience below.  

Survey for preschools - it's no monkey business!

The CareWest SCAN Program has been reviewing feedback made over the past twelve months regarding identified ‘gaps’ in the development of sustainable inclusive preschool programs.  Further to this, we have collated a survey that we would urge one key person per service to complete
All preschools and service providers within the Riverina Murray, Orana Far West and Central West regions should have received an email with the Survey Monkey link. 
We would appreciate if you could please make time in your calendar to have the survey completed no later than Thursday 14th November 2013 to ensure timely revision. (note amended deadline). Your information must count! 
NB: If for some reason you did not receive the email and know that you are within those regions, please contact Sara Stockman 02 69258147 as soon as possible before Thursday 7.11.13.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

The Lion King Autism-Friendly Performance June 2014

The autism friendly theatre production of The Lion King is set to hit the stage next June in Sydney.  It’s a long way off, but we all know about starting the budget now, preparing for the trip through the eyes of a child with autism, and general calendar planning.  Watch a Video of the Lion King performance to help with the anticipation! See more details below

Using Marte Meo and Circle of Security in everyday practice

KU Kangaroo Preschool have detailed ways in which they implement both Marte Meo principals and Circle of Security within their everyday practice.
Playspaces – as identified by the originators of Circle of Security, *Kent Hoffman, Glen Cooper and Bert Powell - are an important part of our preschool curriculum. Playspaces allow educators the  ability to be available to provide the “secure base/safe haven” (detailed in the link below) for children and also for educators to observe children’s connections/attachment needs.  We implement playspaces on arrival.  It gives educators the opportunity to be available for children when they walk through the door, and this enables educators to support the varying separate needs.

Traffic Jam in My Brain online training EXTENDED

Online Training Extended to 14th November 2013 - please see details from Sensory Tools and Net Acceleration below:

Due to the devastating bush fires in Australia, Sensory Tools and Net Acceleration, recognises access to learning may have been interrupted or limited for some of our customers.  Please accept our offer for all of our customers to continue learning until 14 November 2013 (NEW Registrations also available until then).
Learn more and register online at:
Download a brochure here:  Download Brochure

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Type 1 Diabetes - Funding available for Insulin Pumps for Children

Thanks largely to the fundraising event Walk to Cure Diabetes, and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), the Government have agreed to honour and make good a promise to fund up to 80% of the cost families have had to find for Insulin Pumps for children with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D).  The pumps reportedly cost between $4500 and $9500 which is debilitating in itself.  They can, however, be required for survival.
If you have anyone in your service that may be eligible to benefit from this recently 'reallocated' funding, please urge them to contact their local support program or JDRF for more information.  Let us know how you get on! 
About JDRF.
PDF - Minister's statement regarding funding for Diabetes Type 1 Insulin Pumps 20.10.13

Orange PND event - Motherhood and Your Emotional Wellbeing

During Postnatal Depression Week, Catherine Knox of Gidget Foundation will present a workshop at the 'Botanic' in Orange raising awareness regarding perinatal anxiety and depression.  The term perinatal depression encompasses a wide range of mood disorders that can affect a woman during pregnancy and after the birth of her child. It includes prenatal depression, the "baby blues," postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis. 
Motherhood and Your Emotional Wellbeing is to be held on Monday 18th November in the Botanic Gardens, 'Botanic', 7pm - 10pm.  Tickets are $25 and include light refreshment / canapés.  Drinks are available to purchase.
If you are interested in finding out more about this event, please contact (02) 63 698082.  To book online:
NB:  There will be no tickets sold at the door.
Information & Resources from Gidget Foundation
Find Gidget Foundation on Facebook



Postnatal Depression awareness Week (17 - 23 November)

I have taken this directly from the website  If you were wondering how to be involved as a community throughout the PDN Awareness Week, please see below.   Remember, Postnatal Depression is not just for one week.
PDAW 2013 Theme

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Mental Health Month - Anxiety Disorders

In this month of Mental Health Awareness, a number of workshops and general information sessions have been made available by the Mental Health Association NSW.  
Learn about Anxiety Disorders in Bathurst Monday 28th October 7pm.  For details, please Download the flyer RSVP 02 9339 6000 or email          
In addition, the Mental Health Association NSW offers free programs for all people in NSW who experience anxiety disorders.

Thursday, 17 October 2013


Congratulations to Howlong Preschool who successfully logged onto this blogsite and made a very helpful comment regarding the Toileting App.  An iTunes Voucher is winging it's way to them right now!
If you would like to be in the running for an iTunes voucher of your own, be one of the next five CareWest SCAN supported services to provide a review, comment, question (anonymously or identified). Start a conversation, identify an area of required supports, review a training event or resource. 
Good luck!

Saver Plus - Match your savings for school costs, $ for $. Read How!

This is a wonderful initiative that may be of interest and assistance to a number of your families.  Urge anyone you can think of to make contact.  Support is not only in money but also in finance  know how.  Fiona Carroll, The Smith Family, Saver Plus, is only too happy to take calls and have a chat regarding this helpful scheme: 0269316046 / 0437375832

Thursday, 10 October 2013

The Traffic Jam in My Brain - Online training

Gen Jereb has international standing in her experience and success with inclusive programs for preschools and primary schools. She has collated music, actions and her wealth of professional expertise to come up with a popular training called "The Traffic Jam in My Brain".  Now available as an online training, you can participate throughout the month of October for the equivalent of 7 contact hours.  Click on the link below to find out how to join in - there are 20 days left in October!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Technology Tuesday at the Library

I've said it before and I'll say it again - our libraries are full of amazing supports, resources, and opportunities!  In the latest Wagga City Library eNewsletter, I noted that for their Technology Tuesday, they are hosting an Introduction to iPads workshop which may interest some of you.  It is for anyone who has just purchased an iPad or considering doing so.  Covered will be:- How to use apps, WiFi, email, Safari and other basic tasks relevant to the group. 
Where: Wagga City Library
Date:  Tuesday 29th October 10.30am or 4pm and Tuesday 5th November 10.30am only.
Entry:  Free
Bookings:  02 6926 9700

What's on in YOUR library??

NEW App - Toilet training for children with special needs

Many of the preschools supported by CareWest SCAN will have received a copy of Toilet Training for Individuals with Autism or other Developmental Issues by Maria Wheeler, M.ED.  Throughout the book, reference is made to picture cues and how important accuracy is due to the often literal take on visuals.  
A new app, created by Victoria Continence Resource Centre and detailed below, is very well though-out.  It covers the differences between girls and boys, and short sequences regarding 5 key aspects of toileting.  The app supports their own handbook One Step at a Time, available to download, along with a host of other resources to support toilet training.  Please read on below.  Your comments will be most appreciated should you use the app or review any of the books. 
iTunes: Toilet Training for children with special needs _

Google Play: One Step at a time Toilet Tips _

Monday, 7 October 2013

Children's Week NSW 19th - 27th October 2013

The right for children to enjoy childhood is celebrated Saturday 19th October to Sunday 27th October 2013.

Each year one Article from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child will be highlighted. In 2013 this is Article 31, `The child’s right to play’. The general theme “A Caring World Shares’ and the International Year themes may also be incorporated by schools and communities.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Wagga Families & Children Services Expo 14.11.13

Wagga Wagga Families & Children Services Expo 14th November 2013 will be a wonderful FREE event for the whole family.  From 3pm - 6pm, to balance your late night shopping, many exciting activities and information that services are going to provide will keep visitors to the expo engaged and entertained. Even dinner can be covered if you purchase your sausage sizzle from the Sunrise Rotary stand! 
The preschools from around the area are also invited to provide a stall.  St Luke's Preschool will ensure some colourful faces with their facepainting, Kapooka ECC will be threading with recycled materials.  The local RDA will have a few ponies available for rides and for petting.  Live entertainment includes Pete the Plumber who, through song and action explores the water cycle.  Local Li'l Melodies Kindermusik classes, Mina's dance troupes and Divine Wellbeing Yoga experts will be on show throughout the afternoon, ensuring sound, colour and sensory experiences for all.   
Check out the blogsite for updates, information, and how to be involved.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Dubbo training opportunity - Autism Spectrum Conditions and Domestic & Family Violence

Julie Grey, Region Domestic Violence Coordinator for the Western Region NSW Police Force has written to invite you and your colleagues to an inaugural, 'never-even-thought-about-before', training opportunity, that will address a huge gap in knowledge & service delivery for a growing number of community members.  The training  will address the association between Autism Spectrum Conditions and Domestic & Family Violence. It is fully catered, FREE, and, attendees will receive a certificate - that will be relevant to professional ongoing education and training requirements.

Fanatastic tools for managing challenging behaviours

One of the most useful websites regarding challenging behaviours is aptly  Please take some time to peruse and you are guaranteed to find information that will be of benefit to your preschool. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Wagga Wagga Families and Children Services Expo 2013

The Wagga Wagga Early Childhood Intervention Coodination group, in conjunction with FamiliesNSW and Wagga Wagga City Council are proudly hosting a Family and Children Services Expo in the Civic Theatre Precinct on Thursday November 14th 2013. 
We are inviting all services who support families with children aged 0 – 8 years host a stall and provide an activity for this community event. This includes local Preschools and Early Childhood facilities.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Visual Supports

Using visuals can sound easier than it often is.  Several blog posts here have highlighted the DVD which is a terrific resource for showing the uses of visuals.  It can still seem daunting when you consider your own environment, the children you want to use them with*, and how to get the ball rolling - in a visual way!  KU ISA have just released a wonderful insert in their most recent Inclusion Matters publication that explains WHAT many of the visuals aim to achieve.  There are also some tips on HOW to use visual supports as well as useful resources.
 Click here to read the article, and I would urge you to share it with all who work with you in your early childhood setting.  Please also post any comments, suggestions, anecdotes or questions.  We'd love to hear how you are using them and if you have noticed any communication and social developments as a result.
Refer also KU Inclusion Matters 2nd Edition 2013.
*NB: You can use visuals to support communication with ALL children.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Hear our Heart Ear Bus is only a beat away!

Hear our Heart is a truly inspirational example of how people power combined with a real community need can make a difference.

The Hear our Heart Ear Bus Project, started as a direct result of identifying a great need in a small, but spread-out community.  Being somewhat remote, access to Ear, Nose and Throat specialists is often as remote a possibility as the location.  In 2011, two passionate Dubbo women joined forces with the Dubbo & District Support Group for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired to raise awareness and support for families whose children suffer from Otitis Media.  This ear infection has four strains, the most common is also known as glue ear.  Otitis Media effects 1 in 3 children, but if left un/misdiagnosed can have long lasting effects on health, behaviour, and overall social and learning development.  What is Otitis Media? (NB:  the traits can also appear similar to ASD) 

Monday, 16 September 2013

Free holiday fun in Culcairn and The Rock

Intereach are providing some wonderful alternative school holiday experiences.
All welcome to the free ART IN THE PARK
The Rock:  10.30am - 12pm Wednesday 25th September 2013
Recreation Ground, Wilson Street, The Rock
Culcairn: 10.30am - 12pm Wednesday 2nd October 2013 Jubilee Park, Olympic Highway, Culcairn
Activities include:  painting, games, playdough, books, building, craft. 

Monday, 9 September 2013

Relax, Kids.....

Over a recent weekend I attended a terrific Relax Kids  training in order to become a coach for adults and children in the techniques as identified by Marneta Viegas.  The course was attended by primary school teachers, parents and councillors (8 of us).  The Relax Kids Method provides a 7 step structure of Dance, Play, Stretch, Feel, Breathe, Believe and Relax (ref.
We went through these seven steps at length and looked again at benefits and aims for each - of particular relevance:

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Weekly Question - How do you make 'reflection' a cool tool?

A problem shared is a problem halved:  a reflection shared is a step towards inclusive practice!  What mechanisms do you have in place to enable quality reflection?  Are there barriers?  How are they overcome?  Listed below are a number of discussion prompts for this blog and the early years education community.  Your reflection could be the start of another.  Use the comments section to participate.

Orange, NSW - Communication Essentials for Disability Support Workers

“COMMUNICATION ESSENTIALS” for Disability Support Workers
The Care Governance Unit at CareWest will present 4 workshops between September and December 2013 on the theme of communication.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Weekly Question: SCAN Numbers for 2014

Are you a an eligible state-funded preschool, occasional care, multipurpose centre or vacation care service? 
Are you located within the Orana Far West, Central West or Riverina Murray regions?
Do you have an indicator of anticipated numbers of children with additional needs who will access your service next year (2014)
Let’s use this as a starting point to list expected requirements – resources, building modifications, staff changes, support aides, training and professional development.  I will mediate the responses, so don’t worry – if you’d like to remain anonymous, I can ensure that happens.  If you’d like to respond privately, please email Kim Gray or me, Sara Stockman  

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Ability Technology

Dr Graeme W. Smith from Ability Technology recently presented two iPads and More workshops in Albury. 
Graeme provided the attendees with an immense amount of information regarding the varied and diverse possibilities for technology and how mixed abilities can access and make use of the world as a result.  His insight provided us with a better understanding of 'what's out there' and how to make informed decisions about what would be relevant and most useful for our varied environments. 

Socialising and Communicating Outside the Box

Joy Lubawy is a local early childhood professional, a mentor in the field and the host of a wonderful facebook page and website.  She has authored a number of resource books that have supported so many in the early childhood sector.  Many of you will have been to see Joy speak, or even had Joy into your service to provide insightful information and begin the dialogues that lift early childhood educators professionally and emotionally.
Joy recently shared the article below by Nancy Rosenow in which a child has a chance to explore and construct in a nature-based outdoor environment. 

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Key Word Sign - a review

Urana hosted the first of our Key Word Sign workshops last Wednesday and it was fantastic!  Presenter Kimberley Burgess (ADHC), delivered a very relevant and comprehensive introductory training that we have all agreed will be very beneficial as a communication aid.

Transition to School - Let's Get Started Webinar feedback

Did anyone tune in to the Family Advocacy webinar Let's Get Started regarding transition to school for a child with a disability?  Although it was geared towards families, I feel anything like this is beneficial for people supporting families, to provide that empowerment for the transition. 

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Superhero Day for Muscular Dystrophy

Superhero day - an article directly from the ECA WebWatch fortnightly newsletter:
Early childhood services, kindergartens and primary schools can register to host a Superhero Day for Muscular Dystrophy within the first week of September. To participate in this charity event, children

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Deniliquin Behaviour/Psychology Consultation Clinic - EOI

Expression of Interest,  Deniliquin Behaviour/Psychology Consultation Clinic: The Behaviour/Psychology Consultation Clinic aims to provide behaviour support strategies to families and carers, where there is not current Behaviour Support.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Liberated by Libraries!

A pretty invaluable resource is your local library.  Have you checked out their range of services lately? 

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Using Visuals to support children's learning

Check out the tab at the top to find out details about the recently released DVD for which CareWest were significant sponsors.  Visuals are being used more and more in preschool services as a means of communication and routine recognition.  They provide confidence and stability and, apart from the obvious means of communication, are known to reduce anxiety in many children who need that visual explanation. 

Intellectual disability mental health e-Learning

3DN provides free eLearning about intellectual disability to professionals, carers, and consumers.  Their goal is to improve your knowledge, skills and confidence, leading to better mental health and wellbeing for people with an intellectual disability.

Would you like to gain knowledge, skills and confidence to improve the mental health care of people with an intellectual disability?

Monday, 29 July 2013

Early Childhood Educators - you may be eligible for HECS-HELP Benefit!

Having just finished talking to the very helpful ATO, I am keen to share this piece of 'gold'.  Many of you, as early childhood educators in remote areas (check the eligible postcodes listed), will be in a position to have some of your HECS-HELP debt paid off.  Read this useful Government link to find out if you are indeed eligible: HECS-HELP Benefit Early Childhood Education teachers

Transition to School from Preschool - making inclusion easier

Transition to school is a big deal.  Research tells us, parents tell us, educators tell us, and children show us.   The Transition to School Position Statement released by Charles Sturt University in 2010, identified the process as being characterised by:  Opportunities, Aspirations, Expectations and Entitlements – for the children, the families, the school and the community.  It also recognized that the process of transition may occur over a varied length of time, depending on the needs of individual children and their families, and that it is a ‘dynamic process of continuity and change’. For the families of children with additional needs, the thought, let alone the act of change can hold any number of additional stressors as they strive for their own child’s successful transition from preschool to school. 

LinkedIn - Why Educators should use it

LinkedIn is a terrific resource for professionals to network.  I have recently given it a whirl, and the scope is vast!  By keying in your interests/skills in your profile area, the system generates suggested resources for you to link in with.  Furthermore, your own connections can provide you with a myriad of groups and other connections with which to explore your interests.  I have discovered boundless online courses, documents, blogs and discussions relevant to Early Childhood, Inclusion, Emotional and Social Intelligence, Management, IT in the classroom, Autism, International and National Supports - just for example.  The following link is geared towards all Educators and so not Early Years specific.  It highlights the main areas of the professional network, and may make navigation a bit easier!  Look for me if you join! Sara Retief (Stockman)

Why Educators should use LinkedIn

Sunday, 28 July 2013